The Parish Council is a statutory consultee and West Berkshire Council (the planning authority) will ask us to comment on all Cold Ash Parish planning applications, including those in neighbouring parishes if the application is close to the Parish Boundary. In addition, the Parish Council is consulted on Planning Policy matters.
The Parish Council considers planning applications in its meetings. Agendas will indicate which planning applications are to be considered in a meeting and minutes will then document the Parish Council’s decision. The minutes will also document when West Berkshire Council has made a decision on an application; ultimately it is West Berkshire Council that makes decisions on planning applications, not the Parish Council.
If you would like to speak to us about an application, you can attend the Parish Council meeting where it is being considered. There is a public participation section at the beginning of the meeting where you can address the Council. Please note, you won’t be able to speak during the meeting when Councillors consider an application. In addition, you can write to or email the Parish Council about a particular application and Councillors will take your comments into consideration when they review the application. You should also submit your comments to West Berkshire Council.