Village, Town and Parish Design Statements (VDS) are produced by local communities. They are intended to influence the operation of the statutory planning system. They provide the context for new development, based on local character and sense of place. They include guidelines to ensure that planned development is in harmony with its setting and makes a positive contribution to the local environment. Village Design Statements help to manage change, whether the change is a major new development or a series of cumulative small-scale additions and alterations, each of which, however small, can eventually affect the appearance and character of special localities, roads, streets and groups of buildings.
Once adopted by the West Berkshire Council they are used to inform and support the policies contained within the Local Plan and can be material considerations in the determination of planning applications.
The Cold Ash and Ashmore Green Village Design Statement (VDS) was adopted by West Berkshire Council in May 2002 and it can be downloaded by clicking the image below.