Cold Ash Parish is in West Berkshire and lies just outside Newbury and Thatcham
Planning Applications – 2021
Cold Ash Parish Planning Applications
The details of planning applications can be found on the West Berkshire Council (WBC) website. Links to the applications considered by the Parish Council can be found below. The month indicates the month in which the Parish Council considered an application. Note that older applications will be removed from the list below, but will be still available on the WBC website.
Outline Application for serviced self build plot at land adjacent to Sylvan House, Fishers Lane, Cold Ash. Matters to be considered: Access and Layout.
Rear extension, infill to provide enlarged kitchen; with hipped roof detail and 3no velux type roof lights. Rear extension to existing conservatory and change in roof type to create ‘sun room’ with improved functionality. New roof will be clad in tiles to closely match the existing; walls to be constructed in clay brickwork to closely match the existing; doors and windows to closely match the existing. Dimensions 5.29m beyond rear wall, 3.45m height, 2.60m eaves height.
Proposed part conversion of garage, first floor home office within roof space with new dormer window. Garden room extension to rear of garage with garden storage under and new decking area.
Conversion, link extension and alterations to existing buildings to create an annexe, home office and gym, ancillary to the main dwelling. Erection of stable block
Full planning application for the redevelopment of the site for 70 dwellings (Use Class C3), public open space, play space, drainage, parking and associated access, infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works, including demolition of existing structures and removal of existing hardstanding.
Change of use of agricultural building to form one dwelling; alterations and extensions (alternative design for one of the two dwellings, Dairy Cottage, most recently approved under planning reference 19/01102/FULD)
Section 73 application for removal/variation of conditions 1 (approved plans), 5 (Instant hedge) and 6 (gates) of approved 19/00832/REM – Approval of reserved matters following outline permission 16/02529/OUTD – Change of use of part of existing agricultural field to residential and the erection of 5 no. detached dwelling houses with ancillary garages, access, parking, landscaping and associated works. Matters seeking consent – Appearance, landscaping and scale.
Insulate and render walls to 1980’s extension (with no change to original adjacent brickwork), replace windows, construct front porch and rear lobby/boot room.
S73 Application for removal of conditions 4 (obscure glazing) and 5 (permitted development) of approved 20/02104/HOUSE -Two storey side extension and alterations
Conversion involving ‘change of use’ from self service livery stable (sui generis) to form live/work unit (C3) with ancillary Office and associated works.
Alterations to property including alterations to rear extension and terrace and dormer windows. All alterations are within the existing footprint. To the rear extension, lowering of floor level to create split level living area, addition of sliding doors & glazing to rear levation. Addition of velux windows to front. Modifications to rear dormer windows. Conversion of existing garage to bedroom/bathroom/utility area.
Proposed single storey rear extension, extension and alterations to front porch, first floor front gable extension, garage conversion, new roof light, internal alterations and rendering of existing elevations
Thirtover House Thirtover Cold Ash Thatcham RG18 9JE
Two sheds to be built within the garden of Thirtover House. Shed 1 would measure 6m x 3m with a height of 4.35m, and Shed 2 would measure 4m x 2.4m with a height of 3.8m.
Castle Lane Cottage Johnsons Lane Cold Ash Thatcham RG18 9PP
First floor rear extension to provide en-suite and wardrobe area. Garden office/annexe guest accommodation to site where garage was previously approved.
ADJACENT TO PARISH – Land Adjacent To Hilltop Oxford Road Donnington Newbury
Section 73: Variation of condition 2 ‘approved plans’ of approved application 18/03061/RESMAJ: Reserved matters application for phased development of 222 dwellings pursuant to outline planning application number 19/00442/OUTMAJ which relates to Section 73: Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans) of planning application reference 14/02480/OUTMAJ allowed under appeal decision reference APP/W0340/W/16/3143214 dated 20 March 2017 for a mixed use scheme on 23.1 hectares of land, comprising up to 401 dwellings on 11.35 hectares of land. A 400 sq.m. local centre (Use Classes A1/A2/D1/D2 no more than 200 sq.m. of A1) on 0.29 hectares of land, a one form entry primary school site on 1.7 hectares of land, public open space, landscaping and associated highway works). Matters to be considered: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale, and discharge of Condition 4 (site wide housing mix) and 5 (strategic landscaping plan) of 19/00442/OUTMAJ.