Cold Ash Parish is in West Berkshire and lies just outside Newbury and Thatcham
Planning Applications – 2020
Cold Ash Parish Planning Applications
The details of planning applications can be found on the West Berkshire Council (WBC) website. Links to the applications considered by the Parish Council can be found below. The month indicates the month in which the Parish Council considered an application. Note that older applications will be removed from the list below, but will be still available on the WBC website.
ADJACENT TO PARISH 1 Henwick Court Cottages Manor Lane Henwick Thatcham RG18 3QZ
Erection of detached posh potting shed with oak porch and tiled roof, to be situated in the south-westerly corner of the garden, on the right hand side when viewing the property from the existing footpath, bordered by the adjacent field and existing footpath.
Two storey side extension, conversion of garage to enlarge kitchen dining room including additional bedroom and enlarge existing bedroom with internal alterations, additional parking space created to frontage
Two storey side extension, conversion of garage to enlarge kitchen dining room including additional bedroom and enlarge existing bedroom with internal alterations, additional parking space created to frontage
Proposed placement of a bullion glass pane into the current front door and change the colour of the dwellinghouse to match Woodrow, the adjoining dwellinghouse
Proposed placement of a bullion glass pane into the current front door and change the colour of the dwellinghouse to match Woodrow, the adjoining dwellinghouse
A full planning application (submitted in parallel with the submission of a Class Q Prior Approval application) to facilitate limited works to: Establish an access way (including a turning head) which links the driveways of the new dwellings created under the parallel Class Q Prior approval application, to the existing approved driveway and access track at the St Gabriels Farm site. Regularise improved site parking arrangements. Achieve proportionate extensions to some of the limited residential curtilages established for the new dwellings being approved under the Class Q Prior Approval application. Add additional drainpipes to the dwellings being approved under the Class Q Prior Approval application. Site landscaping improvements. Demolition of a barn redundant following approval of the parallel Class Q Prior application. Creation of a paddock in place of the redundant barn being demolished. Filling in of three slurry pits.
A full planning application (submitted in parallel with the submission of a Class Q Prior Approval application) to facilitate limited works to: Establish an access way (including a turning head) which links the driveways of the new dwellings created under the parallel Class Q Prior approval application, to the existing approved driveway and access track at the St Gabriels Farm site. Regularise improved site parking arrangements. Achieve proportionate extensions to some of the limited residential curtilages established for the new dwellings being approved under the Class Q Prior Approval application. Add additional drainpipes to the dwellings being approved under the Class Q Prior Approval application. Site landscaping improvements. Demolition of a barn redundant following approval of the parallel Class Q Prior application. Creation of a paddock in place of the redundant barn being demolished. Filling in of three slurry pits.
Sun In The Wood Stoney Lane Ashmore Green Thatcham RG18 9HF
Hybrid Application: Full planning permission for change of use of former pub to single residential dwelling together with external alterations and erection of garage. Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) for erection of detached residential dwelling and garage on former pub car park.
Woodland Leaves Cold Ash Hill Cold Ash Thatcham RG18 9PS
Outline permission for demolition of the existing dwelling house and erection of 3 x detached dwelling houses (access to be considered) including associated parking and amenity space. Matters to be considered: Access
Erection of 75 dwellings, with associated access, parking, internal roads, drainage, landscaping, children’s play space and other associated infrastructure – Amended Plans
Land Adjacent To Hilltop Oxford Road Donnington (Adjacent to Parish)
Approval of reserved matters application for phased development of 222 dwellings pursuant to planning application 19/00442/OUTMAJ which relates to Section 73: Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning application 14/02480/OUTMAJ allowed under appeal reference APP/W0340/W/16/3143214 for a mixed use scheme on 23.1 ha of land, comprising up to 401 dwellings on 11.35 ha of land. A 400 sq.m. local centre (Use Classes A1/A2/D1/D2 no more than 200 sq.m. of A1) on 0.29 ha of land, a one form entry primary school site on 1.7 ha of land, public open space, landscaping and associated highway works. Matters to be considered: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale