Cold Ash Parish is in West Berkshire and lies just outside Newbury and Thatcham
Planning Applications – 2022
Cold Ash Parish Planning Applications
The details of planning applications can be found on the West Berkshire Council (WBC) website. Links to the applications considered by the Parish Council can be found below. The month indicates the month in which the Parish Council considered an application. Note that older applications will be removed from the list below, but will be still available on the WBC website.
First floor rear extension, conversion of garage to habitable space, replacement porch to front elevation, alterations to fenestration and associated works.
The proposal includes a conversion of the existing garage into a new open kitchen/ dining space with utility and boot room. 2no. new windows to the front elevation to match existing and bi-folding doors to the rear and a new timber frame porch to the front entrance.
Section 73A: Variation of Condition 3 (Materials) of previously approved application 12/00538/HOUSE: First floor extension to single storey house, single storey extension to the west and new garage to replace existing.
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Installation, Alteration or Replacement of other Solar Photovoltaics (PV) equipment on the Roofs of Non-domestic Buildings: Proposed 252.954kWp roof mounted solar panels
Section 73: Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) for previously approved application 21/01203/REM: Section 73 application for removal/variation of conditions 1 (approved plans), 4 (scheme of landscaping) and 5 (instant hedge) of approved 19/00832/REM – Approval of reserved matters following outline permission 16/02529/OUTD – Change of use of part of existing agricultural field to residential and the erection of 5 no. detached dwelling houses with ancillary garages, access, parking, landscaping and associated works. Matters seeking consent – Appearance, landscaping and scale.
Outline Application for serviced self-build plot at land adjacent to Sylvan House, Fishers Lane, Cold Ash. Matters to be considered: Access and Layout.
Full planning application for the redevelopment of the site for 70 dwellings (Use Class C3), public open space, play space, drainage, parking and associated access, infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works, including demolition of existing structures and removal of existing hardstanding
Installation of security barriers/gates at the entrance to the site to prevent vehicle access. This will be at least 15 metres inside the entrance of the site and from Turnpike Road that runs in front of the site. They will be double leafed manual barriers/gates opening inwards. We would like these installed for security of our site out of normal working hours
Ground Floor: Existing garage and adjoining covered way removed, footprint reduced by 1 metre, and replaced with enlarged living room to project on front elevation. To rear existing kitchen enlarged with utility and rear entrance added. First Floor: Master bedroom added over new ground floor extension. Existing bathroom relocated and staircase modified.
Construction of 2 detention basins located north and south of a proposed access track connected via twin 450mm dia. pipes. The North Basin will have an area of 0.35 hectares and a 0.6m high earth bund and will accommodate a 20m wide spillway and a 20m wide weir. The South Basin will have an area of 0.23 hectares and a 1.4m high earth with a 20m wide weir to accommodate exceedance flows from the North Basin. and realignment of an existing ditch via a 450mm dia. Culvert. A 450mm dia. pipe will convey flows from the southern basin during flood events to a new cut ditch before discharging into the existing ditch to the west of the site. Flows from the existing ditch eventually discharge to a Thames Water sewer. The provision of a 4.8m wide access track to serve the Scheme.
Construction of a detention basin with an area of 0.20 hectares and a 0.7m high earth bund to the south of the scheme. Realignment of an existing ditch for 12m into the proposed basin and installation of a bypass structure to facilitate flows in the existing watercourse downstream. A 300mm diameter pipe will convey flows from the basin during flood events to the existing ditch to the south of the scheme before out falling to the existing Thames Water sewer to the southwest. The existing ditch will be regraded from the outlet from the basin to the inlet to Thames Water sewer. The provision of a 3.0m wide access track from Bowling Green Road to serve the Scheme.