Cold Ash NDP 2021 Open Day Event – Now Online

Thank you to everyone that attended the recent Neighbourhood Development Plan Open Day. The turnout exceeded our expectations.

For those that took their questionnaires away, please submit them to the Parish Clerk. See contact us for details.

For those of you that couldn’t make the open day, all the materials and questionnaire are now online. You can view the materials and complete the questionnaire up until the 14th December 2021.

You can visit the open day page by clicking here.

Parish Councillor Vacancy – Manor Park Ward

Would you like to play an active role in decision-making that concerns our life in the Cold Ash Parish, whether that be planning, environment, finance or recreation?

Cold Ash Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor for the Manor Park Ward. You do not need to live in this Ward as long as you represent the voices and interests of the parishioners of the Ward.

Please view our Becoming a Councillor page.

For more information, please contact the Clerk. See our contact us page.

Winter Vaccines

The West Berkshire Council logo

Why is it important to get vaccinated if I’m eligible?

This is the first winter that flu and Covid will be in circulation together at the same time. If you’re eligible, there are two essential vaccines that you may need this winter – flu and COVID-19 booster. Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself, friends and family from these dangerous viruses.

How do I get my FREE flu jab?

If you fit the below criteria, you are eligible for a FREE flu jab, please contact your GP surgery or local pharmacy to book your appointment:

  • Aged 50 and over (including those who’ll be 50 by 31st March 2022)
  • Have a long term health condition
  • Pregnant
  • Are in long-stay residential care
  • Receive a carer’s allowance or are the main carer for an older or disabled person
  • Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals

How do I get my Covid-19 booster jab?

If you’re eligible you can get a Covid-19 booster jab so long as it has been 6 months since your second dose of the vaccine. The NHS will let you know when it is your turn to have a booster dose. Currently, the booster dose is being offered to the following groups:

  • People aged 50 and over
  • People who live and work in care homes
  • Frontline health and social care workers
  • People aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts them at high risk of getting seriously ill from Covid-19
  • Carers aged 16 and over
  • People aged 16 and over who live with someone who is more likely to get infections i.e. someone who has HIV

If you’re eligible, you can also book your Covid-19 booster vaccine online here:

Cold Ash Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Open Day

Come to our event on 23rd October where Parishioners can find out about the upcoming Neighbourhood Development Plan. The event runs from 11am until 4pm in the Acland Memorial Hall in Cold Ash.

Why should you think about coming along?

Now is your chance to learn about our parish’s plans for growth over the next 15 years and to HAVE YOUR SAY. 

We will share with you the details behind our policies and show you the potential development sites within the parish in greater detail, along with our potential recommendations.

So, if you are able to join us on the 23rd we will share details around our plans for growth in the parish to 2036 including:

  • Explaining what the neighbourhood plan is and what it can and cannot be used for
  • The story of what has happened so far in the parish and our planned next steps
  • Our vision and objectives for positive growth to 2036
  • Our progress on the policies and gain your valuable feedback
  • Getting your vital feedback on the work we have undertaken on the potential housing development sites within the parish  
  • Capturing all additional feedback and project ideas you may have

Our local councillors as well as the NDP teams will be available to speak with you. We will have many displays with detailed plans, photographs, and policy details to make it as interesting as possible. We’d love to meet as many of you as possible, so please mark it on your calendar today!

NDP Photographic Competition update and final call to action!

We’ve had lots of incredible photographs submitted already for our NDP Photographic Competition but there still time to see if you can win one of our great prizes and also help us complete our NDP document.

Just as a reminder we are looking for photographs of our wonderful parish that capture our beautiful landscapes, historic buildings, parish values, and village charm for the final document. Everyone is welcome to assist us, and we will be awarding prizes for the best judged photos from both junior and senior entrants. 

The competition will run until the 18th October 2021 and will be judged by you our parishioners from a short list of photographs on the 23rd during our Open Day. 

Prizes will be:

  • For the best judged overall photograph, a chance to see our wonderful parish from the air! A wonderful adventure flight in a light aircraft for up to 3 people (the winning photographer plus 2 guests) around and over the parish taking off from west London.
  • For the best runners up in the Junior and Senior age groups 2 £50 Amazon gift vouchers each!   

Please let us have your great shots, creative landscapes, and charming village vistas on our community Facebook forum or via our NDP e-mail at

The more creative you are, the better, but please don’t forget to include the location in the parish of the shot as well as your name for reference. Also, by submitting your photos, you grant us permission to use them in our parish NDP documentation.

Good luck in the competition and we look forward to seeing you all on the 23rd October! 

Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service – Update

Smoke Alarm Purchasing (August’s National Fire Chiefs Council) campaign:

Will you hear your smoke alarm beep if you’re asleep? Only if it’s nearby! Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home. For advice on the best places to install smoke alarms, visit @RBFRSofficial’s website:

Wildfire Safety:

We have some great outdoor spaces to enjoy, but please do not leave litter lying around. Sunlight shining through items such as glass bottles could start a fire. Find more of @RBFRSofficial’s wildlife advice on their website: #WildfireAware

Water Safety / Alcohol:

Would you know what to do if you got into trouble in the water? Remember #FloatToLive. Lean back, extend your arms and legs, and float: #RespectTheWater #BeWaterAware @RNLI

Going to a nightclub? If you’re under the influence of alcohol and you’re walking home, stay away from the waterside to avoid falling in. Alcohol makes swimming very difficult. More of @RBFRSofficial’s water safety advice: #DontDrinkAndDrown

Summer Holidays:

If you’re looking for a way to keep the kids entertained this summer, why not turn planning your escape route into a fun activity? Draw a map of your home together and mark out the exit routes! Take a look at @RBFRSofficial’s advice to help plan your escape:

Caravan Safety:

Do you have a family camping trip planned? Remember to: 
Test your smoke alarms regularly
Keep vents clear to avoid a build-up of carbon monoxide
Turn off appliances when you’ve finished using them
Find more advice on @RBFRSofficial’s website:

Cooking Safety:

Half of all accidental fires in the home start in the kitchen. Avoid cooking under the influence of alcohol. Cook before you have a drink, or treat yourself to a takeaway instead! For more cooking safety advice, visit @RBFRSofficial’s website:

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch Logo

If you do not currently have a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in your road, with all the lovely community spirit and neighbours getting to know one another, it is the ideal time to set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in part or all of your road.

If you would like Angela Money, who covers Neighbourhood Watch, to send you details of how to set up a scheme or if you have any other queries, please phone her on 01635 40866 or forward your email address to: and she will make contact with you.  

With email now or by setting up a closed Facebook or WhatsApp Group, it is so easy to forward the Police/NHW/Action Fraud Alerts on to your neighbours.  

Neighbourhood Watch signs, stickers and leaflets are free plus all neighbours receive various local discounts.  It is important for more schemes to be set up as this will help combat crime and make the community a safer place to live.

Office Closure June/July 2021

The Parish Office will be closed from 26th June – 10th July 2021 due to annual leave.

Please note that there will be no meeting of the Parish Council on the 13th July 2021. The next full meeting will be the 27th July 2021 in the Acland Hall.

Linda Randall

Clerk to Cold Ash Parish Council

Road Closures

The West Berkshire Council logo

The Ridge in the Parish of Cold Ash will be closed for one day only on 24th May 2021, between the hours of 08:00 to 16:00, from its’ junctions with Hermitage Road and Lawrences Lane. This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out permanent carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.

A plan of the closure and diversion route can be found at:

Little Lane/Briff Lane in the Parish of Bucklebury will be closed for one day only on 25th May 2021, between the hours of 08:00 to 16:00, from its’ junctions with Broad Lane and Unnamed road from Burntbush Lane to Manor Farm Road. This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out permanent carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.

A plan of the closure and diversion route can be found at:

All enquiries please contact West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080