Wildlife Allotment Garden Open Day / Fun Day

Wooden sign saying "Wildlife Allotment Garden"

There will be an Open / Fun Day in the Wildlife Allotment Garden (WAG) on the afternoon of the 11th July, from 2-4pm. This will be an opportunity to see the changes made to the site over the last 12 months and enjoy the area, that covers over 7 acres.

The event is aimed at showcasing what the WAG has to offer, with some enjoyable events and talks. We’re still firming up the event, but expect it to include:

  • a nature trail for youngsters, run by the Greening Group (Please note: start time for this activity will be 2-3pm)
  • a number of WAG / countryside related talks going on at different parts of the site. These will provide the opportunity to:
    1. learn more about the history of the site, from the Heritage Society
    2. learn about the reptiles and moths that make the WAG their home, from two parishioners who have been carrying out surveys in the area
    3. hear from Nick Speakman about how he carved the various sculptures in the WAG, including the Oak Bench, the Big Apple Bench, and the sculpted posts at the Collaroy Road entrance
    4. learn how to make a countryside walking stick / crook with John Hislop, secretary of Calleva Stickdressers
    5. find out what it’s like to have an allotment from some Allotment Holders
    6. unfortunately, it’s unlikely that we’ll have goats or sheep in the WAG fields in July, but if the situation changes there may be an opportunity for children to meet them

Whilst it won’t be a formal element of the day, people are invited to bring their own picnics to make an afternoon of it.
Cold Ash Parish Council