Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service – Update

Smoke Alarm Purchasing (August’s National Fire Chiefs Council) campaign:

Will you hear your smoke alarm beep if you’re asleep? Only if it’s nearby! Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home. For advice on the best places to install smoke alarms, visit @RBFRSofficial’s website:

Wildfire Safety:

We have some great outdoor spaces to enjoy, but please do not leave litter lying around. Sunlight shining through items such as glass bottles could start a fire. Find more of @RBFRSofficial’s wildlife advice on their website: #WildfireAware

Water Safety / Alcohol:

Would you know what to do if you got into trouble in the water? Remember #FloatToLive. Lean back, extend your arms and legs, and float: #RespectTheWater #BeWaterAware @RNLI

Going to a nightclub? If you’re under the influence of alcohol and you’re walking home, stay away from the waterside to avoid falling in. Alcohol makes swimming very difficult. More of @RBFRSofficial’s water safety advice: #DontDrinkAndDrown

Summer Holidays:

If you’re looking for a way to keep the kids entertained this summer, why not turn planning your escape route into a fun activity? Draw a map of your home together and mark out the exit routes! Take a look at @RBFRSofficial’s advice to help plan your escape:

Caravan Safety:

Do you have a family camping trip planned? Remember to: 
Test your smoke alarms regularly
Keep vents clear to avoid a build-up of carbon monoxide
Turn off appliances when you’ve finished using them
Find more advice on @RBFRSofficial’s website:

Cooking Safety:

Half of all accidental fires in the home start in the kitchen. Avoid cooking under the influence of alcohol. Cook before you have a drink, or treat yourself to a takeaway instead! For more cooking safety advice, visit @RBFRSofficial’s website: