Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – Henwick Park – Feb 2022

The Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a legal process that will allow Parishioners to have a greater say in where new housing will be built in the Parish of Cold Ash. It will also give Parishioners a greater say in the style and type of housing. 

The NDP is being developed by the Cold Ash NDP Steering Group. The Steering Group publishes regular updates for parishioners.

In the latest updates Ivor McArdle gives an update on recent developments about a developer proposed site known as Henwick Park.

The full update can be found here.

Level 2 Cold Weather Alert

The West Berkshire Council logo

A Level 2 Cold Weather Alert has been issued between 1800 on Thursday 13 Jan and 0900 on Monday 17 Jan in parts of England. This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services. 

“Severe cold weather can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old or those with chronic disease. Advice on how to reduce the risk either for yourself or somebody you know can be obtained from the winter health pages at NHS Choices ( or from your local chemist. If you are worried about your health or that of somebody you know, ring NHS 111.” 

Winter Vaccination Information

This year there are two essential vaccines (the flu jab and the COVID-19 booster) that eligible groups may need this winter in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from dangerous viruses.

ALL adults are now eligible for the COVID-19 booster, for more can be found here.

Eligible groups for the FREE flu jab can be found here.

If you have any questions/queries please feel free to contact:

Best wishes
Emma Richardson
Public Health and Wellbeing Support Officer

Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan Updates – Dec 2021/Jan 2022

The Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a legal process that will allow Parishioners to have a greater say in where new housing will be built in the Parish of Cold Ash. It will also give Parishioners a greater say in the style and type of housing. 

The NDP is being developed by the Cold Ash NDP Steering Group. The Steering Group publishes regular updates for parishioners.

In the latest updates Ivor McArdle gives an update on the early results of the recent NDP Open Day. He also gives an update on the new housing numbers being allocated to the NDP by West Berkshire Council.

The full updates can be found here.

Cold Ash Parish Christmas Tree

You may have noticed our new Christmas Tree in the Hermitage Road Recreation Ground.

The Christmas Tree was sourced locally and we hope you enjoy it and that it brightens up the recreation ground a little this year.

Merry Christmas from Cold Ash Parish Council

Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – Dec 2021

The Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a legal process that will allow Parishioners to have a greater say in where new housing will be built in the Parish of Cold Ash. It will also give Parishioners a greater say in the style and type of housing. 

The NDP is being developed by the Cold Ash NDP Steering Group. The Steering Group publishes regular updates for parishioners.

In the latest update Ivor McArdle gives an update on the recent NDP Open Day.

The full update can be found here.

Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – Nov 2021

The Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a legal process that will allow Parishioners to have a greater say in where new housing will be built in the Parish of Cold Ash. It will also give Parishioners a greater say in the style and type of housing. 

The NDP is being developed by the Cold Ash NDP Steering Group. The Steering Group publishes regular updates for parishioners.

In the latest update Pete Murray reveals the winners of the NDP Open Day Photo Competition.

The full update can be found here.

Parish Councillor Vacancy – Florence Gardens Ward

Would you like to play an active role in decision-making that concerns our life in the Cold Ash Parish, whether that be planning, environment, finance or recreation?

Cold Ash Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor for the Florence Gardens Ward. You do not need to live in this Ward as long as you represent the voices and interests of the parishioners of the Ward.

Please view our Becoming a Councillor page.

For more information, please contact the Clerk. See our contact us page.