Closure -Bridleways COLD/25A/1 and BUCK/54A/1

The West Berkshire Council logo

West Berkshire Council Notice:

Please note that – Bridleways COLD/25A/1 AND BUCK/54A/1 in the parishes of Cold Ash and Bucklebury are to be closed. It is envisaged that the closure will be in place from the 4th May 2021, dependant on the commencement of works. The closure shall remain in place for a period of six months or until the works are complete, whichever is the soonest.

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The Annual Meeting of Cold Ash Parish – April 2021

The Cold Ash Annual Parish Meeting (APM) took place on 22nd April 2021. Although the APM is set up and run by Cold Ash Parish Council (CAPC) it is, in fact, a parishioner meeting that aims to celebrate the successes of the last year and debate local issues in the community. The nature of the meeting was influenced by COVID and legislative restriction on when it needs to be held. It is for these reasons that the meeting was held via videoconference, which wasn’t ideal, but it was felt that it would be better than not holding one at all, which is what happened last year. Attendance at the meeting was however lower than when we hold meetings face-to-face, with only 13 parishioners joining it. Let’s hope that we’re back to face-to-face meetings…. and cheese and wine… from next year.

Continue reading “The Annual Meeting of Cold Ash Parish – April 2021”

West Berkshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan

The West Berkshire Council logo

West Berkshire Council are updating their Rights of Way Improvement Plan to make sure that the network meets the needs of the public now and in the future. WBC would like to know about your experience of using the Public Rights of Way, and how important the network is to your health and wellbeing. They also want to know if you’ve encountered any problems using the PROWS, and whether your concerns were addressed.

Details of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan and the survey click on the following link.


This meeting will take place on Thursday 22nd April 2021 at 7.00 PM.

This is a meeting for Parishioners to raise any items they wish to discuss. But the following will be on the agenda:

  • Neighbourhood Development Plan
  • Wildlife Allotment Garden Project
  • Parish Footpaths & Public Rights of Way
  • Hedge and Mowing Cycles
  • Girl Guiding Report
  • Community Support Group

The meeting will take place via Zoom. Joining details are available in the agenda which is available on the following link.

All parishioners are very welcome.

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch Logo

If you do not currently have a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in your road, with all the lovely community spirit and neighbours getting to know one another, it is the ideal time to set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in part or all of your road.

If you would like Angela Money, who covers Neighbourhood Watch, to send you details of how to set up a scheme or if you have any other queries, please phone her on 01635 40866 or forward your email address to: and she will make contact with you.  

With email now or by setting up a closed Facebook or WhatsApp Group, it is so easy to forward the Police/NHW/Action Fraud Alerts on to your neighbours.  

Neighbourhood Watch signs, stickers and leaflets are free plus all neighbours receive various local discounts.  It is important for more schemes to be set up as this will help combat crime and make the community a safer place to live.

Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan Update – April 2021

The Cold Ash Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a legal process that will allow Parishioners to have a greater say in where new housing will be built in the Parish of Cold Ash. It will also give Parishioners a greater say in the style and type of housing. 

The NDP is being developed by the Cold Ash NDP Steering Group. The Steering Group publishes regular updates for parishioners.

In the latest update Peter Murray from the NDP Steering Group gives details of where we are in creating the plan.

The full update can be found here.