Please be advised that a recent Planning application has been received for approx. 200 dwellings in our Parish. This will be considered at the Parish council Planning meeting on the 23rd May. You can attend or make representations to the council or WBC. See the following link for details:
23/00798/OUTMAJ Land West Of Heath Lane and North Of Bowling Green Road- Outline application (with all matters reserved except for site access to the highway) for up to 80 bed care home (Class C2), up to 200 residential dwellings (Class C3) comprising market, 45% (up to 90 no.) affordable and 10% (up to 20 no.) self/custom-build homes (Class C3) and public open space including a country park, allotments, community orchard, trim trail and equipped play areas, together with access from Bowling Green Road and Cold Ash Hill, landscaping, sustainable drainage systems and associated works and infrastructure. Matters to be considered: Access