Cold Ash WI

Cold Ash WI

Cold Ash WI meets on the first Wednesday of every month in the Acland Hall at 2.30 pm.

We are a long-established branch, having been formed in 1920.  Since our formation, Cold Ash, which was a small rural village, is now much expanded. The subjects of the wide range of speakers we invite, reflect modern day issues which the WI, in conjunction with the Women of Cold Ash, express an interest. As well as listening to interesting speakers, we do a small amount of craft.  

We also arrange social events: there is a monthly pub lunch, and we receive invitations from other local WIs to join garden visits, excursions and theatre trips as well as, County and National activities.

Our recently created banner, gives an inkling into Cold Ash Village life during the time of our formation and helps to remind us of our original rural roots.

We pride ourselves on being a friendly group and would be delighted to welcome new comers and visitors.  We do make a small charge for non-members.

For further information: please contact Joan Patey on 01635 871131 or email

Also see the following website.

The W.I. logo.