NDP Summer 2019 Survey Results
The results from our summer survey have now been collated and you can view them by following the links in this article. Thanks to all of you who took the time to complete our survey, whether online or using the printed version. We received over 250 completed surveys. The results will help inform the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan, which will be produced in 2020.
Whether you took part in the survey or not please feel free to download the results from the links and read them at your leisure.
Just to remind you this was the first survey we have conducted as part of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Its main purpose was to allow parishioners the chance to express views and preferences on important issues related to the provision of new housing in the parish, without considering any specific potential development sites (which will be identified later in the NDP Programme). Please note that we have simply published the results and have not tried to draw conclusions from each. You can draw your own conclusions.
The survey consisted mainly of multiple choice questions because these help the collation and presentation of results. However, for completeness we did include a few free text questions to enable respondents to raise ideas and issues without the restrictions of the multiple choice format. It was not possible to integrate all the free text answers into the overall results document, but we have summarised the main themes from these answers, which you can see if you click here.
For the main results summary please click here. I hope you will find it of interest.
Peter Adams, Chairman, Cold Ash Parish NDP Steering Group